+1 833-758-7932

Hello, I'm Brice!

This website is my personal technology space and platform to offer unique solutions to neighbors, friends, colleagues, and anyone interested in technology.

15+ years in the IT industry

Currently, I'm working on expanding my Ruby on Rails skillz, building my professional network and supporting developers across the world at GitHub.

  • Support for multiple Fortune 500 Enterprise technology teams
  • Goal setting and defined career growth from junior to senior positions
  • Help with salary expectations and providing value to employers
  • Recognized top performer in high-performance roles
  • Identify and eliminate Imposter Syndrome
  • Balance work priorities and avoid ticket hell

My experience is the result of numerous hours on late night tickets, "urgent" escalations, Zoom calls and probably over 100+ technical interviews for managers. I offer my experience to improve yourself and build better customer support experiences. Colleagues will say I have a unique way of turning complicated problems into practical solutions.

I am proficient in Linux and specialize in web development, cloud hosting, marketing, and a full range of IT areas. In my career, I've served as a skilled graphic designer, full stack developer, systems administrator and other high end Enterprise positions. Through my career, I find that I outgrow roles, ultimately leading me back into Entrepreneurship.

From a technical perspective, I provide in-depth support for software stacks (Apache/nginx, MySQL, Elasticsearch, Ruby on Rails, Docker, Kubernetes & many more) hosted on several managed platforms (KVM, VMWare, Hyper-V/Azure, AWS, Google Cloud).

From a personal perspective, if you are interested in chasing your career aspirations, migrating to the IT industry, or just need help on your personal project, please don't hesitate to say hello.

What do you want to work on?

Seeking support and accountability from your colleagues and mentors is important. I can help you set clear objectives and develop a plan of action.

Resume Building

Perfect resumes showcase your qualifications and help you stand out from other candidates. Build your resume for the job you want and be precise with your presentation.

Job Burnout

Mental exhaustion caused by excessive stress in the workplace, characterized by a lack of motivation and decreased productivity. How do you keep yourself motivated?

Salary Negotiation

Careful research, concise communication, and outlining your value to the company will help your long-term financial status. How do you price your work?

Finding Remote Work

Setting up your office, headspace and life to accomodate the adjustments of remote work are important. How do you leverage recruiters and show you're prepared?

Technology Training

Keeping up with the pace of technology is essential in all fields of programming, networking, and digital media. What makes you want to learn new technology?

Career Advancement

Increase your job satisfaction and improve job security, by achieving higher levels of responsibility. Do you still get excited about your current role?

Advisory Rates

Maximize your potential and advance your IT career with a little help. I will always have a drive to serve individuals who are just learning technology, or just need a second opinion about a challenging problem. I look forward to delivering on your expectations.

Personal Growth

$65 / hour (remote)

  • Career coaching sessions
  • Resume building for IT jobs
  • Goal setting and accountability
  • Personalized learning sessions

Group Instruction

$50 / person (on site)

  • Minimum 10 person rate
  • 2-hour blocks for structured learning or casual setting
  • Interactive and team exercises
  • Branded learning materials and employee incentives available
  • Discounted rates for non-profits

Frequently Asked Questions

Nobody has actually asked me these questions directly, but big websites have frequently asked questions in order to build trust. I'd rather tell you that I used A.I. to generate a few conversational questions, so that Google and other websites could pick up on the keywords.

The answers are my own, so it's at least 50% human! You can also just text me at 1-833-758-7932 with any questions!

My services include resume and cover letter writing, interview preparation, and strategic planning. My goal is to help you find the right position within the industry. Working on stuff you love to work on, makes you happier in the long-term and getting there requires some guided patience.

I help identify your current challenges and how to grow beyond them. Through a combination of assessments and feedback, we'll tackle Imposter Syndrome, overcome customer fears, and enhance your existing skillsets. Learning technology is more than new languages and error codes.

Currently, I work closely with software engineering roles and developer happiness. Over the last fifteen years, I've been working in Linux environments, covering a variety of infrastructure software such as web servers, databases, and other underlying support systems. I do specialize in a few areas, including web development, data analysis and cloud solution architecture.

In my first few sessions with you, we'll create a mind map of your existing knowledge, discuss how various parts of the internet work and what areas of technology are required to manage it. Technology itself is comprised of so many opportunities, so it's important to understand how you might fit into the overall IT environment. My time is focused on finding the right method to grow your knowledge. There's several dedicated resources online for computer science, programming and other specialities. I'm happy to share these on an individual basis, as I do believe there's a certain overload when exploring these without guidance.

The IT industry should be a rewarding career experience. It will challenge your organizational habits, how you talk to customers, and fill you with Imposter Syndrome occassionally. Many companies offer remote work, wellness stipends, extended benefits and other life-changing perks. These perks are usually tied to high-performance cultures, challenging problems, and specialty services.

I help identify work inefficiencies, encourage productivity and leadership within your role. I also fix communication anxiety to give you more confidence in front of customers and employers.